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 Mor Severios Abraham Metropolitan

എബ്രഹാം സേവേറിയോസ് അബ്രഹാം സേവേറിയോസ്

Born on - 12 July 1941 
Family Name - Aluckal family in Peechanikkad, Ankamali 
Education - Graduation from the Community College, Chicago and Doctorate from Pacific Western University, California Theological Studies - Russian Leningrad Theological Academy 
Deacon -            1962        (ordained by  H.G Mor Gregorios Geevarghese, Vayaliparambil) 
Kassisso -            1965        (ordained by H.G Mor Gregorios Geevarghese, Vayaliparambil) 
Metropolitan - 6 March 1982  (ordained by H.H. Patriarch Ignatius Zakka I Iwas at Marthoma Church, Kothamangalam) 
Current Responsibilities - Metropolitan of the Angamali Region of the Angamali diocese

H.G. Mor Severios Abraham was ordained Metropolitan on 6th March 1982, in a ceremony presided by H.H. Patriarch Ignatius Zakka I Iwas and assisted by the late Catholicos Aboon Mor Baselios Paulose II of blessed memory. All the Metropolitans of Malankara Church including the present Catholicos Mor Baselios Thomas I participated in the solemn function held at the Marthoman cheriapally (St. Thomas church), Kothamangalam.  His Grace was later appointed  as the assistant Metropolitan of Angamali diocese with the concurrence of the Holy Episcopal Synod.  Mor Severios is the only prelate ordained by the Patriarch Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas in Malankara.

Before his Metropolitan ordination, Mor Severios Abraham served as the Vicar of St. Peter's church in Chicago under late H.E. Archbishop Mor Athanasius Y. Samuel, from 1970-80.  He had his graduation from the Community college, Chicago and Doctorate from Pacific University in California. From 1962 to '71, he was in the Thrikkunnathu Seminary, Alwaye and later left for London to study at the Theological College at Wycliff Hall, Oxford from 1973-'79. It was in 1982, the Angamali diocesan council held under Metropolitan Thomas Mor Dionysius  (present Catholicos Baselios Thomas I), choose Fr. Abraham Aluckal (Mor Severios Abraham) as the assistant Metropolitan of the diocese. His Grace now hold the charge of the Angamali region of the Angamali diocese and is also the President of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Theological Seminary (M.S.O.T) at Udayagiri near Mulanthuruthy.
After assuming charge as the auxiliary bishop of Angamali diocese, H.G. Mor Severios has commenced many charity programs. The 'Guardian Angel Institutions' founded by His Grace has been doing well ever since its beginning in 1985. It was registered as a society on 16th March 1985 and the 'Retirement Home' started functioning at Airapuram immediately thereafter. The society takes keen interest in various service activities through Social service league, Relief operation wing, Medical and Ambulance Mobile service etc.. Many Suryoyo as well as Indian citizens have extended whole hearted support to the various programs initiated by His Grace. A list of a few Institutions started by His Grace are given below.

Yeldho Mar Baselios Orphanage

'Yeldho Mar Baselios Orphanage' stared functioning at kothamangalam  in 1988. The poor boys who find shelter here have either lost both their parents or one of them. They are given education, food and everything freely. There are twenty eight boys staying at present. This orphanage, which seeks out and shelters destitute boys, irrespective of cast and religion, continues to exist only with the liberal contribution or donation of generous and magnanimous souls.

Bethsada Destitute Home for the Dying

Bethsada, the home for the dying, is situated at Vengola four kilometers away from Perumbavoor, in the central Kerala. It is designed to be a heaven of love and compassion for whom medical science can do nothing and whose days are numbered. There are thirty old people at present residing at the home. The approximate cost of maintaining the established comes to over 40,000 rupees ($850) a month. 

Yeldho Mar Baselios Chapel

The Chapel dedicated to St. Yeldho Mor Baselios has been a source of spiritual enlightenment and peace of mind to the inmates of the destitute home as well as faithful in the neighborhood. The chapel situated in the same compound where  'Bethsada', the home for the dying is functioning was consecrated in January 1992. This aesthetically designed and marvelously engineered chapel is sponsored by the faithful as holy offerings.

Retirement Home

It is the first social service scheme started by the Guardian Angel Society. To all the inmates, men and women, irrespective of caste, creed and religion great care is taken to provide a meaningful and peaceful life,

Bethsada Public School

Guardian Angel Children's Park and Bethsada CBSE public School at Vengola, aims at imparting constructive, educative training and behavior modification programme for the young generation.  This is a place for the children who can study and enjoy the wide open park with green paddy field surrounded by it. It is a unique learning centre to sprout scholastic abilities of young promising citizens.

Bethsada Mental Health Center

There exist several lacunae in the field of the treatment of the mentally ill. Realizing this, the state of the art medical amenities are provided in the mental health center. Arrangements is made for the rehabilitation of the female psychiatric patients, vocational training and occupational therapy. 'Bethsada Mental  Heath Centre' for the mentally sick started functioning on 23rd May 1993.

Mar Gabriel Brother-hood

Mar Gabriel Brotherhood is a center for those who wish to live as Community, praying and working together, sharing and caring for each others. Mar Gabriel Brotherhood recruits, trains and commissions young men who are dedicated for serving the Lord in pioneer fields.

Mar Gabriel Prayer Tower

Mar Gabriel Brotherhood has started a meditation centre in the name of  'Prayer Tower', situated by a vast area of serene paddy field. We will seek God's guidance and direction to lift up the fallen and give hope for the desperate ones through prayers.

Holy Qurbana Mor Severios Abraham

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